more elegant
adjective as in beautiful, tasteful
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Example Sentences
A more elegant pencil dress/trench looked a little like a kimono that was tied with a feminine sash.
And I wish I could think of a more elegant or subtle manner to make my point.
More elegant design, tighter security, fewer bugs—these are the payoffs for those who obey.
The subscription is cheaper, being about four Louis annually, and the lectures are more elegant, if not more scientific.
In the second sentence Burke has used a passive voice when it would certainly be more elegant to change to the active.
His attire is more elegant than his mission in creation would seem to render necessary.
Which was truth itself, for nothing more elegant could have been found in the annals of bathing.
It serves to give them a dégagé kind of air, by which means you have a more elegant display of their charms.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.