adjective as in abrasive
Strongest matches
adjective as in argumentative
adjective as in knifelike
Weak matches
- aciculate
- acuate
- acuminate
- acuminous
- acute
- apical
- barbed
- briery
- cuspate
- cuspidate
- edged
- fine
- gnawing
- ground fine
- honed
- horned
- jagged
- keen
- keen-edged
- knife-edged
- lancinating
- needle-pointed
- needlelike
- peaked
- piercing
- pointed
- pointy
- prickly
- pronged
- razor-sharp
- salient
- serrated
- sharp-edged
- sharpened
- shooting
- spiked
- spiny
- splintery
- stabbing
- stinging
- tapered
- tapering
- thorny
- tined
- tipped
- unblunted
- whetted
adjective as in lancinating
Weak matches
- aciculate
- acuate
- acuminate
- acuminous
- acute
- apical
- barbed
- briery
- cuspate
- cuspidate
- edged
- fine
- gnawing
- ground fine
- honed
- horned
- jagged
- keen
- keen-edged
- knife-edged
- knifelike
- needle-pointed
- needlelike
- peaked
- piercing
- pointed
- pointy
- prickly
- pronged
- razor-sharp
- salient
- serrated
- sharp-edged
- sharpened
- shooting
- spiked
- spiny
- splintery
- stabbing
- stinging
- tapered
- tapering
- thorny
- tined
- tipped
- unblunted
- whetted
adjective as in polemic
adjective as in polemical
adjective as in pricky
adjective as in scrappy
Strongest matches
adjective as in stabbing
Strong matches
adjective as in thistly
adjective as in thorny
Example Sentences
The furry limb, spiky-leaf trees are native to the area, and it is currently illegal to remove them since they are a candidate for protection under the California Endangered Species Act.
The block that followed was much larger, the size of a small brick, its surfaces angled together into a sharp point, like a microcosm of the spiky mountains all around us.
She wore a blue T-shirt with the words “Don’t Try Me,” matching her spiky blue bob.
He sampled the spiky “Ether” for the boom-bap of Run the Jewels’ “The Ground Below,” his way of sharing the music with a new generation of listeners.
Developed by Sayeed Khan, who was a grandson of indentured laborers, the brand’s spice mix is a household staple, adored for its nuanced and spiky flavor.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.