adjective as in soothing
noun as in soothing agent, medicine
Example Sentences
You can tell them that the procedure is generally quick and, barring a pinch when the sedative is given, is pain-free.
Hospitals in Brazil are reportedly running out of sedatives.
They placed him in a chokehold and medical personnel who arrived later injected him with a heavy dose of a sedative.
Women threw themselves from the roof, shot themselves in the head, filled themselves with sedatives and hanged themselves from the curtain rods.
That could have been a sign of use of illegal fentanyl, a fast-acting sedative and powerful painkiller that produces feelings of euphoria.
Just as Palmer, taken in sixty-second doses, seems relaxed, so, measured over hours, he seems in need of a sedative.
At 6.23 p.m., a doctor administered the first drug, which corrections officials identified as the sedative midazolam.
Ohio used a mix of midazolam, a sedative, with hydromorphone, a powerful narcotic.
Only one thing seemed to calm his wanderlust: “I find an interesting book the only sedative,” he said.
They gave a sedative to Methos, the alpha-male wolf, because he seemed particularly anxious.
Dorian was glad to take the sedative that promised oblivion from vexing thoughts.
It is no new propensity of animal nature, to find pleasure from the combination of a stimulant, and a sedative.
Pas-Avena is a widely advertised nerve sedative and hypnotic.
And added, "Indeed, what can we do for sorrow except give the body a sedative?"
I administer some orthodox verbal sedative, and change the subject.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.