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adjective as in sugary

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Especially now that Ted has charmed all the characters who used to be his foils, the tension-less lovefest has veered from sweet to saccharine.

The term “family” has come to mean “for kids,” which has come to signify something trite, manipulative and saccharine.

What they came up with instead is a modest, lighthearted, comfortingly familiar show that feels more current and less saccharine than most similar Disney titles.

From Time

Called saccharine, it was popularized initially during sugar shortages caused by the first World War and gained traction during the health crazes of the sixties and seventies.

After the cyclamate ban, Tab was forced to reformulate and ended up deciding to use saccharine as its primary sweetener.

This final episode of Extras is the perfect Christmastime escape for those who prefer the bittersweet to the saccharine.

What's new, then, is the pairing of unhappy truths with sweet kisses and saccharine confessions.

The Bachelor had debuted a year earlier, and audiences were ripe for a show that punctured its saccharine fairy-tale storyline.

Instead we get article after article of saccharine from people who really should know better.

His father was executed in 1942 by a German gendarme after attempting to smuggle a packet of saccharine into the Ghetto.

In this case the skin is often removed, that the saccharine matter may the better penetrate the body of the apple.

The bread thus retains its sweetness—no waste of its saccharine matter, and no residuum except muriate of soda or common salt.

The saccharine fluid produced by the mother must be, then, a sort of milk intended for the nourishment of her young.

Yellowish white flesh, crisp and beautiful flavor, from a mingling of the acid and saccharine.

Again—a picture of a child, in a halo of innocence, praying at a paternal knee to a fresco of saccharine angels!


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


