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The Orioles scarred Palmer by insinuating that his problems were in his head.

GAZA CITY — A makeshift refugee camp around Shifa Hospital is gradually insinuating itself into the maternity ward.

Olasky describes it instead as “insinuating evolution,” which sounds sinister.

Criticisms of white people, and especially insinuating that they are crazy, have to come with a punchline.

Then, gradually, “it got more to Kevin insinuating sexual things.”

Marius frowned darkly, but before he could speak, Tressan was insinuating a compliment to the Marquise.

"I am afraid that it concerns all of us," the count was saying in a dangerously insinuating voice.

It does smell delicious, came in an insinuating tone from the window-seat across the room.

"The overland route does not lead directly through paradise, my dear Mrs. Stanley," admitted Coronado with insinuating candor.

The insinuating affectionateness and winning playfulness had hitherto not been brought out so distinctly.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


