verb as in carry or be carried
Example Sentences
Malloy drones got their start back in 2014 as a hoverbike concept, which was then proposed for the US military as a kind of ridden-drone scout.
Organic food was wilted, bug-ridden produce available only at co-ops.
NFL games are ad-ridden and long — averaging more than 3 hours and 12 minutes of broadcast time — while the actual action amounts to just 11 minutes.
Residents specifically pointed to Yale’s vast and tax-exempt property holdings compared to the deficit-ridden New Haven public schools hungry for property-tax dollars.
To achieve the former, publishers produced timely content guides with products curated for pandemic-ridden times.
The bitter and guilt-ridden Rick of previous seasons would never have been able to do this.
Leonard has hung with cops, ridden in squad cars, sat in the courtrooms and precinct houses, seen busts up close.
The episode includes satirical images of crime-ridden, rat-infested slums overrun by child-biting monkeys.
In Ferguson, Missouri, the bullet-ridden body of Michael Brown lies on a slab somewhere, and his parents await justice, and mourn.
It is naïve to imagine that a militarized police will confine itself to surgical strikes in crime-ridden areas.
Before daybreak we had ridden five and twenty miles, but had been compelled to abandon two more guns.
We had been twelve hours in the saddle, and had ridden over nearly a hundred miles of ground.
I looked over his shoulder and recognized at a glance the rangy black MacRae had ridden.
He had ridden fast; she had heard the quick strokes of the horse's hoofs on the ground before she saw him.
Once he had galloped up to the open door, looked in, spoken in a friendly way to her, and ridden on.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.