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noun as in patrol person

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Word gets around when rangers have this technology, and Loucks and Barlow believe that when poachers know that the rhinos in an area are heavily protected, they stay away.

When I was a park ranger in Alaska, I spent many hours working inside a yurt.

In August, The Seattle Times reported that rangers had to bury 200 turds and TP piles in one week in the Enchantments wilderness.

The park enlisted TJ Atsye, a ranger and member of the Laguna Pueblo Tribe, to narrate the self-guided driving and walking tour of the Mesa Top Loop Road.

Though the pandemic and canceled ranger tours initially botched my plans, I took refuge in a quieter, more self-guided experience at Mesa Verde, one that allowed my history-loving imagination to roam freely.

I suspect that the new Tarzan will run into the same problems that beset the recent Lone Ranger remake.

But Virunga is not Yellowstone, and Ranger Rick would be no match for the threats facing national parks here.

Consider the controversy over Daybreak Ranger, a seemingly androgynous character.

“We are competing with a Park Ranger AMA,” reassured one aide.

“Diversification” is a hedge fund wife eschewing a Lily Pulitzer tote bag in favor of one made by Sloane Ranger or Jonathan Adler.

L le pere Birat dit la Messe, & fit ce qu'il peut pour ranger vn chacun ce qui estoit du devoir.

At a later date it was used by the Texans in their war against Mexico, and from that time on every Texas ranger wanted a revolver.

She was Addy Ranger, the type-writer on the ground-floor, who had come up from her typewriting to see what she could do.

Farnham soon came up to the mound; but they did not begin to move till Ranger shouted out that all were safely over.

Addy Ranger took Mr. Gunning very tenderly by the arm and led him to the stairs to see her go.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


