Example Sentences
When it was discovered, the comet’s orbit was already bringing it on its route around the sun, and observers have been able to spot it with the naked eye on summer nights this year.
Despite growing opposition, some observers view Burleson and DeJoy as necessary reformers.
The state’s utilities have done a poor job of marketing them, designing them to shift energy demand to the best time periods, communicating with customers in real time, or providing adequate incentives, observers say.
I was an independent observer at one of the polling stations in Minsk.
Many observers pointed out that Uber has wielded these threats before and even pulled out of Austin, but eventually returned.
And the Jamaica Observer routinely runs hideous cartoons about gay people and incites violence against them.
Dana Rubenstein of The New York Observer wrote that “essential to the experience was segregation.”
You can put mag wheels on a Gremlin,” commented one long time Michigan observer, “but that doesn't make it a Mustang.
His correspondence, much of which survives, is that of an incisive and articulate observer.
Trierweiler has also expressed regret over the tweet in a recent interview with the U.K. Observer.
The observer might well remain perplexed at the pathetic discord between human work and human wants.
It was painfully evident to the most casual observer, that she had died of absolute starvation.
There must be something therefore in the bow, as well as in the violin, more than meets the eye of a casual observer.
He was a charming companion, a keen observer and interested in everything he saw and everybody he met.
The first and most prominent thing which strikes an observer, is, the undoubted general revival of trade and commerce.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.