noun as in investigator of crime
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Then, the two paramedics and two city police officers and a detective walked into the room.
Only then would the detective seek other evidence like eyewitnesses or forensic data to justify arresting and charging the subject.
He’s an epidemiologist, or disease detective, in Canada at the University of Toronto.
His team described how its detective work led to this conclusion in the January 2015 EMBO Molecular Medicine.
She’s a virus detective at the University of California, Davis.
On Thursday, Detective Superintendent McDonald described his account as “harrowing” and compelling.
Robert Morrill, a former gang detective and author of The Mexican Mafia/The Story, said there is little the authorities can do.
The Glock family feud gets messier with new court documents alleging that gun magnate Gaston had a detective follow his ex-wife.
Back at police headquarters, Chief of Police Michael Floore Sr. ran out of the detective bureau, barking into a walkie talkie.
She had a simple answer to my inquiry about the calls that were never returned—from her or anyone else in the detective bureau.
The door opened and a plain clothes detective entered the office.
So did my versatile friend, joyously confident in his powers, start on his glorious career as a private detective.
Detective Frey came in and saw Duggin lying dead, and he figured he'd go out and do big things.
The detective went downstairs and talked with Mrs. McCarthy a few minutes, and then took his leave.
The detective Agnes had retained, called on Baptiste's lawyers and held a lengthy consultation.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.