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We can now create video-game quality simulations to evaluate complex skills like creativity or problem-solving.

The competition will be an ersatz astronaut training program of sorts, including physical challenges, as well as puzzles and problem-solving tasks, as well as emotionally challenging scenarios, according to Deadline.

Lindsey Graham has changed after 25 years in Washington into someone who puts his political fortunes ahead of problem-solving.

When you have armed soldiers on the streets, I think, as a public affairs officer, that’s a perception problem in and of itself.

The problem in Venezuela is not the oil, it’s the political system.

We can’t have thousands of people coming in who may have this problem, the coronavirus.

The problem for the president is that most of those shifts have been to Biden’s benefit, except for the all-important state of Florida.

That’s one of several problems Microsoft is attempting to solve in Project Natick, an audacious scheme that aims to make undersea data centers a thing.

From Fortune

If the app keeps crashing after this, the file you’re trying to open might be corrupt, or there might be a more serious problem with the program that requires reinstalling it.

“One of the problems with Microsoft and Walmart is they might ultimately become a competitor of Bytedance in China,” Rein said.

From Fortune

Several times, either because they forgot or they had a technical problem, they connected directly, and we could see them.

Every once in a while, they act swiftly and acknowledge the problem.

Part of the problem is the mandate of the war and the means with which the U.S. is fighting it do not match up.

The third problem is the evidence of corroborating witnesses.

But this physical involvement, or lack of it, is only part of the problem.

Anyone who tries to draw attention to threats instead of quietly burying them is worsening the problem.

When the problem is already political, when the intolerable situation is the status quo?

The problem, though, is that this advice presumes that death threats are rare and abnormal.

Plus there is another problem that the viruses pose—the problem that apparently is the culprit this year—they evolve.

The lack of a cannon is a particular problem, as the F-35 is being counted on to help out infantrymen under fire.

After the curtain calls, Christopher comes back to explain a complicated math problem.

The lack of a gun is not likely to be a major problem for close-in air-to-air dogfights against other jets.

The problem, says UC Davis physiologist and nutritionist Linda Bacon, is that very few people can lose weight and keep it off.

If Christie was not a presidential aspirant with an anger-management problem, the episode might not even make the list.

The problem with this attachment to a particular place, though, is that it can seem limiting.

But one extra trick would instantly solve the problem of crashes that occur over water.

The problem was that the FDA refused to approve any new ingredients for use in sunscreen, year after year.

The besetting problem I have with it to this day, is do people want to know this?

But with a stronger quake, we could have a serious problem.

For most of us, acknowledging that America has a gun violence problem is stating a fact.

And now let me come to the second problem we opened up in connection with college education—the problem of its extension.

No man can believe it who tests it by his reason in the same way in which he would test any modern problem.

But the essential problem of to-day is to know how far we are to depart from its principles.

We notice that more attention is given to the problem of placing a feature than to that of making a likeness of it.

But the West is not in its essence a time problem; there, they can wait—next week—next month.

The chief puzzle of the problem is that nothing turns out as we were told it would turn out.

The "standing room" problem is still removed from us by such uncounted generations that we need give no thought to it.

Our existing poverty is purely a problem in the direction and distribution of human effort.

This problem was solved by a native coming along driving a raw-boned horse before a rickety wagon.

Time is an object, but if Greece came in, preferably via Enos, the problem would be simplified.

If, in addition, submarines can stop sea communications with Constantinople the problem will be solved.

"It's a problem no scholar ever solved in the history of this walley, anyway," declared Elmer Spiker.

We are of course in a peculiarly difficult position to grapple with this problem through lack of contemporary evidence.

The motorist, however, finds a different problem confronting him in making London his center.

It was just a week before the disaster of Baylen that Marshal Bessires was confronted with a most serious problem.

Then the problem of curing tobacco in such a manner that it could reach England without spoilage faced him.

The problem to be solved was a difficult one, as he pointed out in a memoir written for Clanclaux.

Further, it may be doubted if the true conditions of the problem, or problems, involved have even yet been adequately realised.

But there is also a third point as yet insufficiently realised—the historic factors of the problem.

The Arthurian problem is one which appeals not only to the literary critic but also to the historian.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


