deep trouble
Example Sentences
With Chris Christie in deep trouble, Republican poobahs are reportedly looking to Jeb Bush to save their party in 2016.
But the reason that they're in such deep trouble now is neither bad management, nor inadequate regulation.
David, to the extent that you are right, to the extent that our counterculture has become a supermarket, we are in deep trouble.
Whoever wins will inherit an economy and government that is in deep trouble.
Call it "management by debacle": it might not be your first choice, but when you're in deep trouble, it sometimes works.
The expression on her tragic face told keen Miss Matthews that there was some deep trouble which needed help.
But a crooked-thinking witness found himself in deep trouble anyway, even though crooked thinking was in itself no crime.
We all feel your deep trouble with you; and we would hope, if we might, but your words deny us that privilege.
Robert instinctively knew his roommate was in deep trouble and he longed to know of the burden upon him and to share it with him.
He has been through deep trouble since the day he brought the double buggy to Lahey's Creek.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.