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noun as in blood

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noun as in flesh

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This cosmic quake led the magnetar to release a blob of plasma.

It works by bathing the masks in plasma, which is an electrically charged gas.

Serological testing on frozen blood samples or plasma could also determine how far back coronavirus antibodies were in the human population.

From Time

For instance, payments for the donation of plasma currently ranges from $30 to $60.

Blood plasma is already used worldwide to treat other diseases.

From Fortune

“Convalescent blood transfusions and plasma transfusions may help people who are sick survive the infection,” he says.

Not only that, they are a rich environment for galaxies, hot plasma, and dark matter.

We did a lot of RD, and came up with a cool, plasma-like energy field that shot out of his hands.

The last time we detected a plasma oscillation was nine years ago.

Gurnett knew that he could use the vibrations in the plasma to determine its density.

Inside these tubes is the blood proper, consisting of a fluid plasma, the colorless corpuscles, and the red corpuscles.

Lymph, then, is practically blood plasma plus some colorless corpuscles.

It is through their walls that the food and oxygen pass to the tissues, and carbon dioxide is given up to the plasma.

The remainder of the protoplasm probably becomes fluid, and afterwards forms the plasma in which the corpuscles float.

Plasma, plas′ma, n. a green variety of translucent quartz or silica.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


