adjective as in histrionic
adjective as in impassioned
adjective as in melodramatic
adjective as in schmaltzy
Weak matches
- affected
- affectionate
- bathetic
- corny
- demonstrative
- dewy-eyed
- dreamy
- effusive
- gushing
- gushy
- idealistic
- impressionable
- inane
- insipid
- jejune
- languishing
- lovey-dovey
- loving
- maudlin
- mawkish
- moonstruck
- mushy
- nostalgic
- overacted
- passionate
- pathetic
- romantic
- rosewater
- saccharine
- sappy
- silly
- simpering
- sloppy
- slushy
- soapy
- sobby
- soft
- softhearted
- soppy
- sugary
- sweet
- syrupy
- tear-jerking
- tearful
- tender
- touching
- vapid
- visionary
- weepy
adjective as in sentimental
Strongest matches
adjective as in slushy
Weak matches
- affected
- affectionate
- bathetic
- corny
- demonstrative
- dewy-eyed
- dreamy
- effusive
- gushing
- gushy
- idealistic
- impressionable
- inane
- insipid
- jejune
- languishing
- lovey-dovey
- loving
- maudlin
- mawkish
- moonstruck
- mushy
- nostalgic
- overacted
- passionate
- pathetic
- romantic
- rosewater
- saccharine
- sappy
- schmaltzy
- silly
- simpering
- sloppy
- soapy
- sobby
- soft
- softhearted
- soppy
- sugary
- sweet
- syrupy
- tear-jerking
- tearful
- tender
- touching
- vapid
- visionary
- weepy
adjective as in sobby
Weak matches
- affected
- affectionate
- bathetic
- corny
- demonstrative
- dewy-eyed
- dreamy
- effusive
- gushing
- gushy
- idealistic
- impressionable
- inane
- insipid
- jejune
- languishing
- lovey-dovey
- loving
- maudlin
- mawkish
- moonstruck
- mushy
- nostalgic
- overacted
- passionate
- pathetic
- romantic
- rosewater
- saccharine
- sappy
- schmaltzy
- silly
- simpering
- sloppy
- slushy
- soapy
- soft
- softhearted
- soppy
- sugary
- sweet
- syrupy
- tear-jerking
- tearful
- tender
- touching
- vapid
- visionary
- weepy
adjective as in soppy
Weak matches
- affected
- affectionate
- bathetic
- corny
- demonstrative
- dewy-eyed
- dreamy
- effusive
- gushing
- gushy
- idealistic
- impressionable
- inane
- insipid
- jejune
- languishing
- lovey-dovey
- loving
- maudlin
- mawkish
- moonstruck
- mushy
- nostalgic
- overacted
- passionate
- pathetic
- romantic
- rosewater
- saccharine
- sappy
- schmaltzy
- silly
- simpering
- sloppy
- slushy
- soapy
- sobby
- soft
- softhearted
- sugary
- sweet
- syrupy
- tear-jerking
- tearful
- tender
- touching
- vapid
- visionary
- weepy
adjective as in soupy
Weak matches
- affected
- affectionate
- bathetic
- corny
- demonstrative
- dewy-eyed
- dreamy
- effusive
- gushing
- gushy
- idealistic
- impressionable
- inane
- insipid
- jejune
- languishing
- lovey-dovey
- loving
- mawkish
- moonstruck
- nostalgic
- overacted
- passionate
- pathetic
- romantic
- rosewater
- saccharine
- sappy
- schmaltzy
- silly
- simpering
- sloppy
- slushy
- soapy
- sobby
- soft
- softhearted
- soppy
- sugary
- sweet
- tear-jerking
- tearful
- tender
- touching
- vapid
- visionary
- weepy
adjective as in tear-jerking
Weak matches
- affected
- affectionate
- bathetic
- corny
- demonstrative
- dewy-eyed
- dreamy
- effusive
- gushing
- gushy
- idealistic
- impressionable
- inane
- insipid
- jejune
- languishing
- lovey-dovey
- loving
- maudlin
- mawkish
- moonstruck
- mushy
- nostalgic
- overacted
- passionate
- pathetic
- romantic
- rosewater
- saccharine
- sappy
- schmaltzy
- silly
- simpering
- sloppy
- slushy
- soapy
- sobby
- soft
- softhearted
- soppy
- sugary
- sweet
- syrupy
- tearful
- tender
- touching
- vapid
- visionary
- weepy
Example Sentences
Overemotional, Jesse watches them from the darkness of his car, then gets out and walks straight up to them, gun in hand.
This is clear a result of the oversharing, overemotional L.A. experience.
The third type predisposed to the neurosis of the housewife is the overemotional woman.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.