noun as in ability to read
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That’s why internet literacy is fundamental to any well-informed society.
Depending on which part of the country they live in, what languages they speak, what their literacy levels are, the experience can really vary.
Learning growth rates are substantially higher in grades K–2 than in later grades, and failure to understand the building blocks of numeracy and literacy in those early years can lead to academic difficulties later.
While the research isn’t quite strong enough yet to make general recommendations, simply increasing your body literacy is beneficial.
As a slower, clunkier way to explore the internet, they revel in not being the definitive source, just a source, says Mike Caulfield, a digital literacy expert at Washington State University.
Yet for a vivid decade or so, sleaze was, somewhat paradoxically, a force for literacy and empowerment.
Supporters pointed to math and literacy gains, while critics noted that those improvements disappeared in elementary school.
In 2011, all three countries reported less than 50 percent literacy in their adult population.
Guinea, with 25 percent, recorded the lowest adult literacy rate in the world at that time.
There was frenzied uproar when she participated in a literacy program to encourage kids to read.
The proportion of literacy among Hindus and Sikhs is three times as great as among Muhammadans.
The organizers were a well-known literacy charity that ran kids' writing workshops, drama workshops and so on.
In the supremely important subject of literacy, what classification yet devised can weigh the culture of masses of people?
It would seem that the literacy test has been applied to ghosts in recent fiction.
With its literacy similes, its English, its artificial diction, it is a patch of cheap silk upon honest homespun.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.