book learning
noun as in education
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in pedagogics
Strong matches
- apprenticeship
- background
- brainwashing
- breeding
- catechism
- civilization
- coaching
- cultivation
- culture
- direction
- discipline
- drilling
- edification
- enlightenment
- erudition
- finish
- guidance
- improvement
- inculcation
- indoctrination
- information
- instruction
- learnedness
- learning
- literacy
- nurture
- pedagogy
- preparation
- proselytism
- reading
- rearing
- refinement
- scholarship
- schooling
- science
- study
- teaching
- training
- tuition
- tutelage
Weak matches
noun as in pedagogy
Strong matches
- apprenticeship
- background
- breeding
- catechism
- civilization
- coaching
- cultivation
- culture
- direction
- discipline
- drilling
- edification
- enlightenment
- erudition
- finish
- guidance
- improvement
- inculcation
- indoctrination
- information
- instruction
- learnedness
- learning
- literacy
- nurture
- pedagogics
- preparation
- proselytism
- reading
- rearing
- refinement
- scholarship
- schooling
- science
- study
- teaching
- training
- tuition
- tutelage
Weak matches
noun as in reading
noun as in schooling
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in teaching
Example Sentences
Many things besides book-learning did Wang Ken teach his pupil.
I'm so glad spring is here at last that I've got to take it out in something besides book-learning.
They are good girls, both, and as busy as they are good; in spare moments they come up here, and take to book learning.
Mere scholarship—book-learning—is seldom effective in the solution of intricate national and economic problems.
You know what is before you, and these qualities are of far more importance, in your case, than any book learning.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.