
View definitions for coaching


noun as in tutelage

noun as in tutoring

Strongest matches

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Toronto coach Nick Nurse said he’s heard some players on his team say they were thinking about going home.

From Fortune

They only turned to the system for difficulty scores, and then only if they disagreed with each other or if a coach questioned a gymnast’s score.

So she began working with a performance coach on getting better at finishing at the rim, through contact, especially in transition.

Of course, a major issue with players trying to develop away from their organizations is the lack of uniform access to facilities, tools and coaches.

Red Stars coach Rory Dames complimented Savannah McCaskill, Katie Johnson and other young players after the semifinal.

From behind a curtain, Trudeau is politely coaching the actors through the scene, encouraging them to go bigger.

Mitchell said the cameras give administrators the ability to observe teachers in action and offer them tips and coaching.

They were also, according to NHL coaching great Scotty Bowman, the greatest lineup in the history of hockey.

It'll only buzz during "coaching" sessions that users voluntarily try out to help them build a habit of good posture.

Over time, you could elect to do more coaching sessions if your daily scores started to drop.

Our luggage, I remember, p. 5was carried on the roof of the carriage in the good old-fashioned coaching style.

In the "good old coaching days" the turnpike tolls paid on a coach running daily from here to London amounted to £1,428 per year.

Two minutes suffice for changing teams at the “Talbot,” and off that heir of the coaching age goes again.

Busy days it had in coaching times, and its inns were of the best, as befitted a place where the coaches stopped to change teams.

And at this point the traveller in coaching times came within sight of his destination.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


