verb as in have in mind; determine
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Example Sentences
Masai is taking some time to process the ordeal, and intends to address it publicly at a later date.
Chapek said the company is “still intending it to be theatrical but we’re going to be watching very carefully” to determine whether it might move to a streaming platform.
We had members of Congress who intended to challenge the election results opting not to after what happened.
At a high setting, the cordless heated blanket can only stay warm for two hours, which may be an issue depending upon your intended use.
The corona passport is intended to speed a return to normal, but what it will look like is still under discussion.
He doesn't actually intend to put this scene in the film--it's a true home movie.
I do, however, intend it to sound mean about the reactionary, prejudice-infested place she comes from.
I was elected by the people of Brooklyn to do this job without fear or favor and that is exactly what I intend to do.
Worried this might turn people off from his performance, Khan said he didn't intend to offend anyone.
He also said police intend to put their beloved family pet, a Staffordshire bull terrier named Excalibur, to sleep.
The student who does not intend to arouse himself need hope for no keen sense of beauty.
It would be useless to put you to the expense of drawings, until you have made up your minds on what you intend to have done.
I shall be glad to hear from you soon, as I intend to go to Padstow in a few days and shall not return under a fortnight.
I do not intend to vex or grieve you by any conduct of mine; nor do I mean to leave you, now you are both infirm and old.
I intend leaving this evening for Bridgenorth, to ship the castings, both for Herland and Beeralstone.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.