

View definitions for forbearance


noun as in resisting, avoidance

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Eviction moratoriums and forbearance on mortgages and student loan payments are also factored in.

From Vox

“There’s a benefit to everyone taking a deep breath and stepping back and giving the parties a chance to get things back on track,” Devlin said of forbearance agreements.

The mortgages, car loans, and the like no longer covered by forbearance are showing few defaults.

From Fortune

On the conference call, Dimon and Piepszak cited that although forbearance has ended for auto and card loans, it’s still allowing customers with $28 billion in mortgages to defer payments.

From Fortune

He says that’s mostly because the government’s unprecedented aid to families and businesses, and the banks’ forbearance programs, have delayed defaults for months that would have come far earlier.

From Fortune

Parenting a preschooler is hard (believe me, I know), and it takes a lot of time, energy, and forbearance to do it right.

Paul is right that we must deal with the Bundy crisis in the spirit of neighborly forbearance.

But selfies, like people, deserve our forgiveness, our forbearance, and our support.

My daughters treated their grandmother with infinite forbearance and affection.

But in the here and now of it, I ask for your patience, and forbearance, while I give it a shot.

And when wine had unselfed my noble father, you received his passionate insults with forbearance and forgiveness!

I endured his insults until the time came when further forbearance would have been a disgrace, and then I closed with him.

She did not expect much forbearance, but it never occurred to her that things could come to such a terrible pass.

I feel that I can, with confidence, rely upon the magnanimity and forbearance of my patrons, under this state of things.

Surely a spoiled old man-child like the crouching figure yonder would exhaust the forbearance of Jizo Sama himself!


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


