noun as in stop
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Example Sentences
In 2018, the state passed a law dedicating $1 billion over five years to wildfire prevention.
Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention.
Stop the smells before they startYour grandmother may have covered this one when you were young, but in case you need a reminder, keep in mind that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Above all, workers shouldn’t put themselves in the direct line of danger, according to the federal agency that usually focuses on disease prevention.
According to one recent contract I obtained, customers must “use the system only for the detection, prevention, and investigation of crimes and terrorism and ensure the system will not be used for human rights violations.”
Once, when occupying a cell in near a phone, I saw the suicide prevention protocols in action.
In 2005, the company got a call from a new, unexpected client: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has repeatedly noted, Ebola is not transferred through air.
Since the 10th century, Bulgaria has practiced varying forms of prevention to keep vampires from coming back to life.
The NFL is now requiring violence prevention education and training for all players and staff.
The prevention of this evil, therefore, was an object which a reformed house of commons was especially bound to secure.
Hence the only safe, as well as the only advantageous way out of this confusion is to go forward on the Principle of Prevention.
The important practical question is the prevention of the fulfilment of the morbid impulse during these impressionable years.
Prevention consists in cutting the roots; not feeding them when the animals are very hungry, and not disturbing them while eating.
Thus was the metropolis happily preserved; but the bloody part of the intended tragedy was past prevention.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.