

View definitions for blockage


noun as in obstruction

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Unexplained anosmia is normally quite rare with other viral infections, especially in the absence of congestion or nasal blockage.

The other group was told that it would hurt, but that the temporary circulation blockage would be good for their muscles—and the longer they endured, the more benefit they would get.

The adjustable volume on this unit means you can crank it much louder than a fan in certain cases where you need maximum noise blockage.

What the idea here is, is that there is a blockage and that you keep redundantly going over and over and over, kind of like a hamster’s running wheel, that you just can’t make a breakthrough.

A lack of urination can indicate a urinary tract infection, urethra blockage, or even diabetes.

Here, the blockage of RNA prevents extra amyloid from being produced by targeting its precursor protein and making less of it.

Except that, in this case, it turns out that the strokes caused by blockage are far more prevalent.

None of the aerostats made an attempt to break the strange blockage again.

Lenny had no blockage whatever against receiving visual patterns and designs.

On Sundays it is evident that the blockage of the streets is greater than ever.

We can give them their errorless, mechanical men—just as soon as we find ways of correcting the blockage of the feedback pulses!


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


