adjective as in controlling
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Weak matches
Example Sentences
When they brought her in, they videotaped her, strapped her to a restraining chair, and put a white mask over her head.
The judge refused to grant an extension of her restraining order.
Lehmberg acted belligerently enough to be strapped into a restraining chair once she arrived to jail—and officials filmed her.
Before the restraining effects of governments, he argued, we lived in “continual fear and danger of violent death.”
Today the Moomin industry sails merrily along without her restraining hand on the tiller.
Then—(with difficulty restraining another outburst of mirth)—how about "27 for oysters and Chablis" after the visit?
The temples and dome of the head seemed to bulge, as if there was too much inside for the strength of the restraining walls.
The arrogant spending instinct had gained upon the moderating and self-restraining instinct.
A man sitting in the opposite corner, thinking she was going to close the carriage window, laid a restraining hand upon her.
At the entrance below, as OLeary was passing curiously out, he caught him with a sudden restraining clutch and a low admonition.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.