

View definitions for finances


noun as in person or corporation's money, property

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Nor am I particularly responsible with my personal finances.

Their authors promise that your spirit will be improved, your ambition honed, and your finances maximized by their advice.

Similar to how Tyra taught me that I must know every aspect of my company, I must know every aspect of my personal finances.

A second area that Republican challengers could have raised: how the Senate handles the reporting of personal finances.

In the aftermath of the American Revolution, George Washington was keen to rebuild his personal finances.

Maud Barrington's finances must be made secure before he left Silverdale, and he must remain at any cost until the wheat was sold.

Again the thought hammered home: such a quantity of paper in circulation must affect the national finances of Britain.

The state of her finances was such that she must be quite unable to fit out even a single squadron of moderate size.

The finances of the country are being taxed to the utmost to find the extra "palm-oil" which these mercenaries demand.

The state of the finances was more satisfactory than during the last session.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


