adverb as in remarkably
Strongest matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
This explains why his successes in life do not match up with his brilliant aptitudes and with his extraordinary scientific and technical knowledge.
Critics, however, blasted the decision, saying it was an extraordinary departure from county policy.
We gave the keys to him early’The quarterbacks of this class are part of a trend, but they are extraordinary within it.
By looking beyond the categories and approaching people as people, each of us can make an extraordinary difference in the lives of others.
Educators Teachers, professors or administrators who have done extraordinary work during this unprecedented time to inspire students to keep going.
This is important in the concentration process, which takes place by means of an extraordinarily measured period of boiling.
How reliable were the other witnesses, given the extraordinarily charged atmosphere surrounding this case?
“Having too much money allows you to be extraordinarily unfocused, which is a bad thing,” Lerer told me back in March.
Women are not taught to get a massage or do anything for ourselves because it makes us feel extraordinarily guilty.
We are strong in our accomplishments, yet by some cruel irony we possess soft sensitive bodies and extraordinarily tall buildings.
Anyway there was a lot of embroidery on it, full of little holes, which somehow contrived to be extraordinarily fetching.
The air, motionless again, extraordinarily heated, hung in a dull and yet transparent curtain between them and the sinking sun.
Albrechts views, or rather convictions, were extraordinarily paradoxical.
Twice had Le Pontois taken furtive glances at the stranger whose lined brow was so extraordinarily familiar.
The water of dead seas, because of the additional weight of the substances which it holds, is extraordinarily buoyant.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.