adverb as in generally; for the most part
adverb as in in the beginning
Example Sentences
Unrated during the pandemicIn the olden days — you know, before 2020 — chefs were judged primarily on what they put on a plate.
Maybe it’s because the wealthier wards have higher vaccination rates than the lower-income wards, whose residents are primarily people of color.
The liability is primarily due to officers who were hired before the 2010 law passed.
Further, more than 100,000 Palestinians enter Israel every day to work, primarily in construction, most continuing to do so even during the pandemic.
If you will be primarily wearing your gloves for outdoor winter sports like skiing, you will want to find warm, waterproof gloves that allow for moisture-wicking as well as a secure fit at the wrist to keep snow and cold out.
Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, primarily produces petroleum.
Human trafficking was once a crime associated primarily with a range of small to large crime groups.
The caller mentioned my work, which focused primarily on consumer products, mobile apps, emerging start-ups, and web trends.
This has long stopped being primarily about the death of an unarmed young black man in St. Louis.
Primarily because the way most of us in the west and Anglophile world view the history of the Great War is from the winning side.
This seems to be contrary to the spirit and intent of the act, which is primarily to centralize reserves in Federal Reserve Banks.
But it may be primarily laid hold upon in some instances in the formal performance of that exercise.
The power to expel members is incident to every society or association unless organized primarily for gain.
It is not usual to find gonococci when many other bacteria are present, even though the pus is primarily of gonorrheal origin.
The Appalachian Ridge consists primarily of a narrow strip of land thirty-five to one hundred miles wide.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.