verb as in make amends for
Example Sentences
In 1994 after Mandela became president of South Africa, he made Tutu the chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, a national tribunal to try to expiate the sins of apartheid.
These are autumnal deaths to expiate the sins of a people and appease the heavens so summer might return.
Can it, as the prophets suggest, expiate our sins and bring us closer to God?
Leave inquietude and remorse to those corrupt women who have cause to reproach themselves, or who have crimes to expiate.
Our former lapses require tears, shame and sorrow to expiate them.
Descended of an ancient and noble family, he was doomed to expiate a crime, of which he had been guilty, at Tyburn.
After her abdication in 1367, Petermann entered the monastery to expiate the sins and follies of his youth.
If this maiden on a Brahman casts her eye, devoid of shame, Let her expiate her folly in a pyre of blazing flame!
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.