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Yet even someone as senior as Xie is unlikely to have full remit to negotiate on his country’s behalf.

Space travel has, for the most part, remained the remit of professional astronauts or the very wealthy.

Immigration is just one of the difficult topics under his remit.

From Time

Its remit is narrow—it does not have jurisdiction over government agencies, banks, or nonprofits.

That is a complex remit that they have been happy to leave to customer-facing teams.

From Digiday

But that was not within the remit of the Dutch investigators.

He questioned whether preventing pictures being taken was part of the police protection unit's remit.

Fifty minutes later, when the remit to oversee the bid was awarded to Hunt, Osborne replied, “I hope you like the solution!”

The French war indemnity enabled him to redeem a considerable portion of the state debt and to remit certain taxes.

He added, that Mrs. Grants father was extremely affluent, and he should not wonder if he was to remit 500l.

For cabin passage in yonder vessel, tax free and duly paid, we will remit the rest.

The American Consuls can give you the names and the amounts to remit for single copies.

The beleaguerers made themselves great fires, and seemed not to remit in their watchfulness.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


