verb as in sterilize
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Also be sure to wash your hands before and after working out, and if you need to touch your face midway through, soap up or sanitize your hands first.
Permar recommends washing or sanitizing your hands “any time you are changing activities or locations—after a car stop, after eating, after a bathroom trip, and after going into and out of a building.”
The baby care cycle uses steam to sanitize everything quickly while you tend to other tasks.
The county’s chief epidemiologist has previously said that his team works with any that has experienced an outbreak to ensure the facility is properly sanitized or shut down if needed.
That’s also a reason for frequent handwashing, cleaning of surfaces and other sanitizing steps.
But before you can say, "can someone please sanitize those jungle bars," we've had a complete change of scenery.
After their poop is collected, it is run under a UV light to sanitize it.
You would try to wash them; you would try to sanitize them in some way.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.