Example Sentences
It may sound like an esoteric problem, but a rapidly-spinning litter beneath a helicopter with a 74-year-old evacuee in it made news in 2019 in a video that will make you gasp.
Zokinvy builds on decades of research on many aspects of the lamin A protein, including the “seemingly esoteric chemical modification” that forms progerin, he says.
He then decided he’d had enough of eking out small advances in esoteric areas of physics, and he got ready to begin a postdoc at Princeton University in the more wide-open field of neuroscience.
Which includes what seem to me like fairly esoteric ways of getting STDs such as, for example, mosquito bites.
At the same time, the book delves deep into gritty physics details, thoroughly explaining important concepts like the cosmic microwave background — the oldest light in the universe — and tackling esoteric topics in theoretical physics.
Ted is a quirky guy that loves esoteric topics like Teddy Roosevelt trivia and the history of belts.
There is a pill in Tibetan Buddhism that contains a lot of esoteric ingredients, some of which are bodily substances.
He noted that some esoteric historians call them “Palestinians.”
Suddenly you can hold forth about leading and kerning and other esoteric aspects of typesetting.
In the old days it was not uncommon for the admissions officer to pose some esoteric—make that wacko—question.
His esoteric project was the original project of Christopher Columbus, extended and modified.
I think that sort of thing appeals especially to me because my own design isn't in the least esoteric.
Petuléngro, farrier, the esoteric Romany name of the Smith family.
Yet it is known that we have several branches of these same Esoteric Masonic Lodges carrying on their deadly work in our midst.
This was the origin of the rites more public, yet certainly esoteric, that he at last found himself able to establish.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.