adjective as in evasive
adjective as in lying
Strongest match
Strong matches
adjective as in mendacious
adjective as in perjured
Strong matches
adjective as in perjurious
Weak matches
adjective as in shifty
noun as in evasion
Strongest match
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Instead of equivocating or running to the center, they stood strong on progressive values.
Then, by evening, he was equivocating yet again, generating still more headlines.
The Weenie: Reflective, ambivalent, equivocating, seemingly rational and pragmatic, fluid, eager to please.
The floridly equivocating Mario Cuomo was labeled “Hamlet on the Hudson” and dismissed from public life.
Thou art equivocating; 'twill be the worse for thee, that thou triflest with the Council—who are these agents?
It is all this equivocating, tantalizing mystery that I can neither abide or understand.
But the equivocating witness soon discovers that his falsehood is hunted out of its recesses with an unsparing determination.
The manufacturer, who encountered the look his mother cast on him at that moment, was on the point of equivocating.
But Robert Darnley was not cut out for shuffling and equivocating.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.