adjective as in lying
Strongest match
Strong matches
adjective as in perjurious
Weak matches
Example Sentences
He's polite and amusing, inventing comic voices to deceive friends.
How did you develop this knack for inventing, and surrealism?
Aksyonov has great fun inventing a culturally pureed lexicon for his might-have-been cosmopolitan Russians.
Moreover, one can imagine strictly literary reasons for “inventing” the women at the empty tomb.
There can be no train wreck without first inventing the train.
He had a rare gift of inventing words and phrases, and all sorts of bizarre expressions, that linger in the mind.
As the queen-mother had very handsome legs, she was accused of inventing this method of riding, in order to show them.
The Governor's wife hates your mother, and is ingenious in inventing occasions to have you whipped.
They have not got to inventing any contrivance for that yet, thank Heaven!
Tadeo named all the persons who arrived, when he did not know them inventing titles, biographies, and interesting sketches.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.