adjective as in adulterous
Strongest matches
adjective as in dishonest
Strongest matches
adjective as in disloyal
adjective as in faithless
adjective as in fickle
adjective as in lubricious
Weak matches
- clandestine
- concealed
- crafty
- crooked
- cunning
- deceptive
- devious
- dirty-dealing
- dishonest
- dishonorable
- disingenuous
- duplicitous
- fraudulent
- furtive
- guileful
- hush-hush
- indirect
- insidious
- oblique
- on the Q.T.
- on the quiet
- secret
- secretive
- shady
- shifty
- slippery
- sly
- sneaking
- sneaky
- stealthy
- surreptitious
- treacherous
- tricky
- two-faced
- two-timing
- under wraps
- undercover
- underhanded
- unethical
- unfair
- unjust
- unscrupulous
- wily
adjective as in lying
Strongest match
Strong matches
adjective as in perfidious
adjective as in perjurious
Weak matches
adjective as in traitorous
adjective as in treacherous
Strongest matches
adjective as in treasonable
adjective as in treasonous
adjective as in underhand
Strong match
Weak matches
- clandestine
- concealed
- crafty
- crooked
- cunning
- deceptive
- devious
- dirty-dealing
- dishonest
- dishonorable
- duplicitous
- fraudulent
- furtive
- guileful
- hush-hush
- indirect
- insidious
- oblique
- on the Q.T.
- on the quiet
- secret
- secretive
- shady
- shifty
- slippery
- sly
- sneaking
- sneaky
- stealthy
- sub-rosa
- surreptitious
- treacherous
- tricky
- two-faced
- two-timing
- under wraps
- undercover
- unethical
- unfair
- unjust
- unscrupulous
- wily
adjective as in unethical
adjective as in unfaithful
adjective as in unprincipled
adjective as in untruthful
adjective as in wanton
noun as in betrayal
Strongest matches
Weak matches
noun as in chicanery
noun as in sellout
Strongest match
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Bushido is open to some criticism, but nobody can show where double-crossing your own gang is good Bushido.
The man that's doing the double crossing is Slue Foot Magee.
But I laid it to outside thieves—never supposed one of my own foremen was double-crossing me.
They'll think just one thing—that I worked a crooked, double-crossing game and salted away my fortune behind a petticoat!
Pinkie and this double-crossing snitch went there—and only found a note from the White Moll.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.