noun as in exhibition of disloyalty
Strongest matches
Weak matches
noun as in divulgence of information
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Though the episode ends on a close-up of her husband’s eyes, Kidman’s remain our window into Grace’s shock, her betrayal — her, well, undoing.
It’s also designed to examine less playful, more destructive betrayals of trust.
As I can testify firsthand, napping while working from home can feel like a betrayal of trust, a breach of the social contract that assumes that you’re still hammering away even when your manager can’t see you.
The moment early on in the film when someone she loves betrays her by slicing off her wings — ostensibly in order to “save” her — comes off like an excruciating form of conversion therapy.
Equating antifa with QAnon betrays how Facebook fundamentally doesn’t grasp the issue.
Betrayal…you can hear it…betraying the thing he loves for a cheap bit of film publicity.
And their suspicions make them see betrayal at every turn, even when incompetence may be the cause of a particular problem.
We all felt the betrayal not so much of the institution as of the man who had noisily and heroically put it on the map.
To a certain degree, there is an irrational sense of betrayal.
The worldwide panic over her new look is rooted in a sense of betrayal to the "be yourself" values that Bridget Jones embodied.
Such a betrayal led him upon the following day to send a note to Mrs. Chepstow, asking for an appointment.
And the surgeon looked at him; but there rose up in his remembrance how he had been avoiding betrayal for years.
Then, regretting the betrayal of his feelings, the young man relapsed into gloomy silence.
These people received Mosby's men into their houses as their guests, and neither danger nor want could tempt their betrayal.
He was much rather inclined to think with Lucien Bruslart that Latour had had a part in her betrayal.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.