noun as in congress
noun as in convention
Strong matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
Other communist countries that withdrew their films and delegates included East Germany, Cuba, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.
The delegates were given envelopes containing $40,000 during a meeting about grassroots soccer initiatives.
The nonvoters include 16 experts, eight fraternal delegates and 38 auditors of whom 12 are married couples.
The Democratic Party delegates heard the reverberations echo through their hall.
That is what confident Democratic Party delegates believed when they headed to Chicago on August 29 for their national convention.
The general assembly of Corsica, consisting of 1,009 delegates, unanimously expelled the Bonaparte family.
A convention of delegates to revise the constitution of New York met at Albany.
There were one hundred and thirty-one delegates present at this convention, representing sixty-six counties and corporations.
The general court of Massachusetts met at Salem, and chose delegates to the first congress.
Consequently, the one hundred and fifteen delegates present proposed acts and passed them as laws called ordinances.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.