adjective as in cowardly
Strongest match
Weak matches
- afraid
- anxious
- apprehensive
- backward
- base
- chicken-hearted
- cowhearted
- craven
- diffident
- dismayed
- fainthearted
- frightened
- gutless
- having the willies
- jittery
- lacking courage
- lily-livered
- nervous
- no guts
- panicky
- pigeonhearted
- pusillanimous
- recreant
- retiring
- running scared
- scared
- shrinking
- shy
- soft
- spineless
- timid
- timorous
- weak
- weak-kneed
- worthless
- yellow
- yellow-bellied
adjective as in fainthearted
adjective as in fawning
adjective as in hangdog
adjective as in recreant
adjective as in subservient
Strongest matches
Strong match
adjective as in timid
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Members of Congress were now huddled with their staff, cowering petrified behind furniture they had piled against their office doors.
In response, the US built rockets and American children learned to cower under their school desks in atomic bomb drills.
The scenes of congressional representatives cowering on the House floor Wednesday are likely to revive calls for new domestic terrorism legislation.
Stewart cowered in the kitchen area and called police to tell them Mouser was hurting her mother, she said, but Blake took the phone from her and told them that nothing was wrong.
Breitbart forced her to correct a small part of her story, but witch hunts like these will leave every victim cowering.
Samwell Tarly starts the episode his same old pining, cowering self.
The officers warned my cowering Oma (grandma) what might await the cousin if she ever did return.
The man who appears resolute and forceful in public is, behind closed doors, cowering in fear.
In the incident, 12-year-old Muhammad Al-Dura was reportedly shot and killed by Israeli forces while cowering behind his father.
The heir apparent and his brothers were cowering in fear, afraid to strike, yet hoping that others would strike for them.
Savage troopers urged their horses into the water and slashed cowering women with their sabers.
They entered a house where an apparently sick man sat cowering in a corner, wrapped in a blanket.
The inhabitants were cowering upon the floor, playing with the children, or assisting one another to get rid of their vermin.
Cowering amid some shrubs of dense foliage, he watched Malcolm dashing along the road to the Lahore Gate of the palace.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.