noun as in closure
verb as in cast
verb as in hurl
verb as in launch
verb as in plug
Example Sentences
Cleaning the winery, the team has located a mix of “completely smashed barrels, open bung barrels, and intact barrels.”
This boast does not arouse Alfred's envy as he has friends in Brownsville who can drink out of the bung hole of a barrel.
So Uncle John put the great stoppers that they call bungs into the bung-holes in the kegs, so that the cider would not run out.
It is like milk in a pan, with no more motion now than there is in a full hogshead before the bung is started.
Den de bung-shells 'gun ter bus'; en I ax myse'f w'at dey shootin' at me fer, en I ain't never fin' out w'at make dey do it.
In the middle of the cellar lay a big barrel with an open bung-hole, but bound fast round with three iron hoops.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.