verb as in deaden
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in desensitize
Strongest match
verb as in dope
Weak matches
verb as in drug
verb as in ease
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in entrance
verb as in hypnotize
verb as in medicate
verb as in narcotize
verb as in numb
verb as in paralyze
verb as in physic
verb as in untighten
Weak matches
- abate
- aid
- allay
- ameliorate
- appease
- assist
- assuage
- attend to
- calm
- cheer
- clear the way
- comfort
- cure
- disburden
- disengage
- doctor
- expedite
- facilitate
- forward
- free
- further
- improve
- lessen
- let up
- let up on
- lift
- lighten
- loose
- loosen
- make easier
- meliorate
- mitigate
- moderate
- mollify
- nurse
- open the door
- pacify
- palliate
- promote
- quiet
- relax
- release
- relent
- relieve
- run interference for
- simplify
- slack
- slacken
- smooth
- soften
- soothe
- speed
- speed up
- still
- tranquilize
Example Sentences
The female ocelot lay anesthetized on the exam table, behind the scenes at the Albuquerque Biopark Zoo.
As the 335-pound animal lay anesthetized on the floor of her enclosure, with a stomach tube down her throat and an intravenous line in a blood vessel for fluids, there seemed to be little improvement.
Once Shera was anesthetized that day, the staff pondered her condition.
In the creepy but simple procedure, the surgeon slits two anesthetized mice down their flanks, then sutures and staples them together, side by side.
The risk to all of this mindfulness is the possibility that companies will rely on it as a way to anesthetize people to the stresses of work.
They acquired the tools to accomplish the deed, including a stun gun and the chemical means to anesthetize their victims.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.