Example Sentences
Multiple attorneys have since come forward alleging that their clients had been subjected to hysterectomies and other gynecological procedures.
In August 2019, the environmental groups filed suit against Bluestone, alleging excess discharges of selenium, which can be toxic to fish and other aquatic life.
In the lawsuit against the city, Taylor’s family alleged that the 26-year-old was not given any medical attention and was left to die in the apartment.
The push to avoid simulator training led to multiple poor decisions by Boeing, the committee alleged.
They seek to cast doubt on the integrity of the electoral process, asserting that Democrats are using mail balloting to steal the election — “thwarting the will of the American people,” they alleged.
They also allege their children are not in fact siblings, despite having been told they were.
Was it, as some former employees allege, that the bosses bit off more than they could chew?
Police allege the man was in a close relationship with Kakehi and they are investigating the details of his passing.
The papers allege that Hayden escorted J.W. down a number of hallways.
Army officials also allege that he worked for ethnic rebels as a “communications captain.”
The English authorities expressly allege a deliberate purpose on Bruce's part to rid himself of his rival.
It was neither age nor sickness, as the chroniclers allege, that prevented King Robert from leading the Weardale foray.
If I am a forger or a friend of forgers, as you allege me to be, then I am unworthy to have served in the uniform of France.
The emir would bring 500 witnesses to-morrow to establish any crime he was pleased to allege.
The mere assertion of what he meant to allege must at least delay this hateful marriage.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.