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invariably is a synonym of always

adverb [ in-vair-ee-uh-blee ]

invariably is another word for always

The standby adverb always is used a few different ways. It can be applied to things that happen on every occasion or without exception (he always works on Saturday), to things that occur continuously or without interruption (there’s always some pollution in the air), or it can mean “forever,” as in, Will you always love me? The adverb invariably is a synonym for always when talking about things that happen every time, without exception. If the weather forecast is invariably wrong, then it is never accurate (and maybe it's time to find a new source for your weather info!). If an answer to a question is invariably “yes,” then it is affirmative every time the question is asked.

Commonly found as

invariably leads to
As we all know, going to the supermarket hungry invariably leads to purchasing too much food.
almost invariably
The podcast started almost invariably with the host rambling on about his cats. 

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myriad is a synonym of innumerable

adjective [ mir-ee-uhd ]

myriad is another word for innumerable

The adjective innumerable denotes a number that is beyond count or, more loosely, that is extremely difficult to count: the innumerable stars in the sky. A strong synonym for innumerable is myriad, which describes things of an indefinitely great number (such as stars of a summer night) or things that have innumerable phases, aspects, or variations (the myriad mind of Shakespeare, for instance). Fittingly, myriad takes myriad forms. That is, myriad functions as a noun as well as an adjective. You can say “a myriad of reasons” (noun), or “myriad reasons” (adjective). Both are correct, though the adjective form is more common.

Commonly found as

myriad ways
In her talk about how to be self-sufficient, the farmer pointed to the myriad ways in which we can grow and preserve our own food.
face + myriad
The entrepreneur was excited to launch her business, but she knew she would face myriad challenges.

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stately is a synonym of grand

adjective [ steyt-lee ]

stately is another word for grand

Things that are described as grand make a big impression, whether for their impressive size or appearance (grand mountain scenery) or, moving from things to people, their majestic or dignified air (her manner is grand and regal). A synonym of grand, stately comes imbued with nobility and elegance, and so takes the grandness up a notch. Stately is defined as “majestic” or “imposing in magnificence or elegance,” as in the case of a stately home, or an abode that looks like it could belong to royalty. It’s also used less commonly to describe people that exude refinement, elegance, and decorum—sometimes to the point of seeming haughty, aloof, or overly formal.

Commonly found as

stately home
Groves of lush peach trees obscured the view of the many stately homes lining the boulevard.
elegant + stately
The couple was struck by how elegant and stately the grounds were; it was the perfect site to get married.

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