noun as in circle
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in prediction
noun as in prognostication
Example Sentences
Police have determined that the Zodiac Killer is responsible for the deaths of at least five victims around San Francisco in the late 1960s.
Online searches for zodiac signs and birth charts hit a five-year peak in 2020, according to Google Trends.
The Zodiac mod vaporizer I admired behind the glass in BeyondVape is gorgeous, but it also costs $220.
Leo is strategic, the queen on the chessboard, the prime mover of the zodiac.
Zodiac signs correspond to seven-year spans of life; Cancer, with college and coming of age.
From the resourceful rat to the fertile pig, the 12 zodiac heads ostensibly represent different periods in the Chinese calendar.
This second zodiac sign rules the human age of innocence, 7-14 years.
The detrimentum is the sign of the Zodiac opposite to the planet's mansion.
This shews that Mars was, at first, further advanced than Venus along the Zodiac.
The signs of the zodiac were worshipped, and the constellations not in that important circle did not go without adoration.
It may be found on the outside, or square planisphere, of the zodiac of the Temple of Denderah.
The Zodiac is the zone of stars traversed by the Sun in the course of a year.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.