

View definitions for unfettered


adjective as in unburdened

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Those are troubling numbers, for unfettered speech is not incidental to a flourishing society.

The street is closed to traffic and kids run unfettered across inviting hopscotch squares and bicycle lanes.

Sxities icon Eugene McCarthy spent his final years warning about the negative impact of unfettered immigration.

Conservatives should realize, though, what unfettered presidential power means.

An unfettered Lagarde could parlay her stint managing crises in Washington for glittering new adventures.

Parliament contented itself with giving the Central Authority wide powers and almost unfettered discretion in the use of them.

O Agni, send forth with the ladle thy heat, thy winged flames; send forth unfettered thy firebrands all around.

She walked, as always, with the elastic resilience of unfettered youth.

To establish the absolute and unfettered liberty of the press and religious opinions?

His decision left the way open to the almost unfettered activities of the opponents of his policy both in England and in Ireland.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


