adjective as in without charge
Strongest match
adjective as in unrestrained personally
Strongest matches
adjective as in unrestrained politically
Strongest matches
Strong matches
- emancipated
- enfranchised
- liberated
- sovereign
adjective as in not busy; unoccupied
Strong matches
adjective as in generous, unsparing
Example Sentences
Living in Moscow you can almost kid yourself you live in the freest, hippest, edgiest city on earth.
Unions represent some of the freest institutions in this land.
In the freest countries, people live about twenty years longer, on average, than people in the least free countries.
Meanwhile, South Korea is both the thirty-seventh freest country in the world and the thirteenth richest.
“We are the freest, least-taxed country ever,” he continues.
The girls were dressed in such boating costumes as gave them the very freest movement, and they both used the paddle skillfully.
Of all the free-and-easy young women I had ever met with, that same Lizzie was the freest and easiest.
It means the freest and largest development of them consistent with the public interest and without waste.
By taking advantage of days freest from drift, the exterior of the Hangar was completed by April 6.
I remember arguing with him concerning his ideas of sex, which were of the freest.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.