adjective as in steadfast
Weak matches
- abiding
- bent on
- bound
- bound and determined
- dead set on
- enduring
- firm
- going all the way
- indefatigable
- meaning business
- mulish
- never-failing
- persevering
- pigheaded
- resolute
- set
- steady
- stiff-necked
- stubborn
- sure
- tireless
- unfailing
- unflagging
- unflappable
- unflinching
- unqualified
- unquestioning
- unswerving
- untiring
- unwavering
- wholehearted
Example Sentences
Nobody ever sang it with greater feeling in more searing circumstances, to the last unfaltering note.
On such occasions his unfaltering impudence reached heights truly sublime.
Down the festooned nave she came on his arm, her step unfaltering, her face calm; black misery in her heart.
It was read in a clear and unfaltering tone, indicating great presence of mind and firmness of character.
And to the whole bright spectacle was added the impressiveness of unfaltering rhythm and simultaneousness of movement.
How sure, how unfaltering, was the touch of Holy Church upon the penitent soul.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.