

View definitions for cocksure


adjective as in overly confident

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We’re seeing a guy that is usually cocksure and confident in New York, in his blood, he’s wearing his own skin, and very sure of not only himself but his surroundings.

Series lead Joel Kinnaman plays Ed Baldwin, a cocksure astronaut who finds himself facing trial after trial and slowly beginning to buckle under the pressure.

From Vox

How could they have been so cocksure in the face of so much contrary opinion from seemingly well qualified people?

Cocksure and unafraid, our protagonist does what he always does: he invites the ghost to dinner.

But like millions of others, I went through phases when I was cocksure I could outsmart the market.

In the end, the once cocksure president is left struggling to come to grips with reality.

Aaron Logan didn't like being told what to do, especially by a little cocksure midget.

"We shall see," said Tiler, elated and cocksure, and I freely confess we did see that he was not quite the fool I thought him.

Her cocksure intensity could not fail to impress me in my present state of deadness; I listened as if to oracles.

About a generation ago scientific men, or some of them at all events, were getting rather cocksure.

The thought that enraged him was that the banker was so cocksure of himself, his position.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


