

View definitions for undiscovered


adjective as in unfound

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The culturally rich cave sat undiscovered by the world until 1989.

In Unruly Places, Bonnett has launched an investigation into uncharted, underground, and undiscovered worlds.

The American version even features a post-credit sequence in which an undiscovered Godzilla egg hatches in the NYC subways.

Whether or not this place is completely undiscovered, it certainly feels that way.

But for every stolen art cache that was found, from Merkers to Alt Aussee, there are scores that remain undiscovered.

I shall drop my title as a matter of course, and hope that I shall pass undiscovered as John Gwynne.

The king heartily pledged him, thanked him for his good cheer, and departed undiscovered.

The whole five, however, could not always do this undiscovered, and perhaps but three of the number could repeat.

Mack had remained undiscovered under the bed, an interested listener to the conversation that ensued.

Wouldn't it be jolly if it should prove to be a new, undiscovered animal!


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


