adjective as in foreign
adjective as in overseas
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Chemical computing is often ignored in making neural implants, but focusing solely on electrical signals is like ignoring transoceanic cargo routes when planning shipping routes.
As you read this newsletter, your computer most likely is sending and receiving a range of signals that pass through transoceanic internet cables.
Heezen had hired a recent art school graduate to plot thousands of earthquake epicenters in the Atlantic Ocean to help Bell Labs find the safest places to lay transoceanic cables.
A. I flew domestically primarily, so I never did transoceanic flights.
Michel has also been able to corner Bush on transoceanic flights to China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, India, and Nigeria.
Thus these two voyages inaugurated a transoceanic steam-service, which has steadily grown in extent and in importance.
The most successful steam-vessels in general use are these screw-steamers of transoceanic lines.
This was laid in New York Harbor; and from it he was the first to conceive that stupendous idea of the transoceanic telegraph.
It is thought that he went to Genoa and to Venice, where his projects of transoceanic navigation were but badly received.
Some of these are coastal or transoceanic vessels, both commercial and naval.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.