noun as in time in position of responsibility
Example Sentences
Citi shares gained about 40% during his tenure, compared with 138% for JPMorgan and 171% for Bank of America.
There were times … Look, I’ve looked back on my tenure, Carlos.
Melissa Maddox-Evans, who in October became the executive director for the housing authority, declined to comment specifically on issues before her tenure, but she said the court cases are a necessary step.
During her tenure leading the label, Dlugacz produced 40 albums and sold more than a million records.
When he took over eight years ago, it was far from clear that the paper would emerge from his tenure as a modern digital operation that was still family-controlled.
In this clip, a teenage Minaj gets heated and throws a phone in a play rehearsal during her tenure at LaGuardia High School.
Simpson also encountered similar situations during his tenure at the Center.
Around the world, they are held in high esteem, paid professional wages, and often granted tenure in their jobs.
“That was the longest, most severe S/M session I have experienced in my thirty-four-year tenure,” she writes in the book.
His stories about his tenure in Washington hype his success in fixing housing problems in “inner cities.”
He has made judges dependent on his will alone for the tenure of their offices and the amount and payment of their salaries.
His tenure of the governorship of Urmi had been brief; but like the kingship of Roumania was always a pleasant reminiscence.
Under the feudal system the rent was of two classes—personal service or money; the latter was considered base tenure.
Poor Mr. Selwyn had repaired and decorated the house only the previous year, little thinking his tenure of it would be so short.
On revising the statutes good behavior was made the term of tenure for the judges and clerks of common pleas.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.