adjective as in anal
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in enigmatic
adjective as in enigmatic/enigmatical
adjective as in fastidious
adjective as in finicky
adjective as in fussy
adjective as in meticulous
adjective as in precise
adjective as in prim
Strongest match
Strong matches
adjective as in prissy
adjective as in strict
Example Sentences
"All the caves you want," said Bernel, scornful at such unusual stickling on the part of his chum.
This is seen in their way of stickling for accuracy when others repeat familiar word-forms.
Why, man, I found them fastened on him myself; and there was odd staving and stickling to make them 'ware haunch!'
The artists fought this influence, stickling a long time for the severer classicism of ancient Greece.
"This will be brought to you by Stickling," the note said; but who Stickling was Vavasor did not know.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.