

View definitions for slaver


verb as in drool

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Example Sentences

If making a break for open water was not an option, the slaver crewed upward of 80 men and carried 14 powerful guns.

From Time

They also warned other slavers that the West Africa Squadron had become an effective force, and only fast, well-armed ships could have a chance of escape.

From Time

It is worth noting that most captives did not live longer than a few months after arriving in Europe, succumbing to foreign illness or malnourishment when their slavers did not feed them.

On the same evening we saw a vessel, which our captain affirmed was a slaver, run into the bay.

We had hardly lost sight of the slaver before one of our own crew had nearly committed suicide.

That and more too might be said of the districts where the white slaver grows rich from his traffic in girls.

Upon refusing they were dragged through the streets and given to a white slaver.

The wind had died away and the slaver lay between the yawl and the eastern dawn, a dim yet recognizable bulk.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for slaver?

The word slaver has historically been used to refer to a person who participated in the enslavement of people, or, more specifically, to refer to a ship used to transport enslaved people.

Many of the terms historically used in the context of slavery serve to justify or normalize the practice and are now often avoided and replaced with other terms that better reflect and emphasize the humanity of the people who were held captive and forced to labor. Notably, the term enslaved people is now widely used instead of slaves.

In parallel with this change, the word enslaver is now often preferred over slaver because it emphasizes such a person’s active participation and complicity in the enslavement of people. Enslaver is also preferred over other once common terms, such as slave owner (which suggests that a person can actually be property) or master (which can imply that such a person has inherent power or authority that justifies their enslavement of people).

Unrelated meaning

A completely different and unrelated sense of slaver means the same thing as slobber or drool (all three of these words can be used as verbs or nouns). This sense of slaver is much older and derives from a word related to slobber.

As a verb, it’s sometimes used figuratively to mean the same thing as fawn, as in Can you believe the way their fans slaver/fawn over those bands?

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


