noun as in cleaning
Example Sentences
When she was still ill after two weeks, she started scouring the Internet for information about other people who weren’t getting better.
So I’ve been scouring obscure parts of the webs and playing with them.
Dean scoured the literature because he had become personally interested in the topic, while working on a different project, in India.
Thanks to two intrepid researchers who spent more than a decade scouring records and archives across the globe, it now seems there could be more than twice as many surviving first editions as the long-accepted prior best estimates.
We scoured streaming services for shows and films so iconic you might not publicly admit you missed out on them.
Hundreds of civilian volunteers were recruited and trained, scouring communities for any evidence of Graham.
McLennan was scouring church land with his metal detector in September when he came across a silver spoon.
Still further online scouring by police produced another remarkable twist.
Reporters found that scouring the Internet for remarks made by Ukip members was proving fruitful.
She later confessed to poring over botanical volumes in search of suitable poisons and scouring the woods for lethal mushrooms.
But we must not remain outside to-day, for the troopers are scouring the forest, and may see you.
By this means, and the close scouring of the coast by the vessels of his squadron, something might be effected.
After the King had seen the messenger he sent for Gareth, and Gareth left his scouring and went gaily and eagerly to him.
Put ammonia or borax in the water used, or else rub the glass with whiting, or a scouring soap which is not gritty.
It was thought that the scouring effect of the wind, there, would keep the opening of the tunnel free of drift.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.