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noun as in whiskey

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One such episode occurred in 2013, when a state-backed hacker sitting at his keyboard in Iran breached the computer controls at the Bowman Dam in suburban Rye, New York, with a presumed plan to open the sluice gates.

In Stauning’s case, that applies to the cool, crisp Nordic water and the rye and barley.

In Finland, we associate rye with stamina and grit and that memory of the mornings you were a child in winter and your parents made you drink your rye porridge.

To that end, while distilling 100 percent rye is a “new world” idea, malting the grain is an age-old practice.

Owens is particularly fond of whole rye, which won’t affect texture too much.

From cognac to bourbon, rye to añejo tequila, many of our beloved spirits spend years aging in wooden casks.

The family lived on Park Avenue and in Rye, New York, summered on Lake George and had servants in the home.

George Dickel Rye starts with MGP whiskey but charcoal-filters it before bottling.

Templeton Rye, by contrast, has built its successful brand on being a product of Templeton, Iowa.

“I have purchased hundreds of barrels of rye and bourbon from them,” John Bernasconi admits when asked about the Indiana factory.

Wheat gives place to Rye about the same time, and the Potato, at first comparatively rare, becomes universal.

Rye is now being harvested, and is quite heavy: in fact, all the crops promise abundant harvests.

Little Rye was sown, but that little is very good; Barley is suffering from the stormy weather, but is quite thrifty.

They produced pumpernickel from one cupboard, and rye-bread and sausage from another, and all began to talk again and eat.

Two miles from Winchelsea is Rye, another of the decayed seaports of the southeast coast.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


